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Can Diabetics get Implants?

Can Diabetics get Implants?

Diabetes, also known as sugar diabetes, is a condition that occurs when the pancreas organ does not produce the necessary insulin for the body, or the produced insulin is not used efficiently by the body. So, can diabetics get implants?

Studies on implant treatment in diabetic patients have revealed that the procedure can be performed healthily when blood sugar levels are under control. 

It is crucial for diabetic patients to adhere to a dietary program under the supervision of a doctor. Dental implants are one of the products that help patients maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Infections in the gums and inflammation of decayed teeth pose a risk to diabetic patients. If special care is taken before and after dental implants in diabetic patients, there should be no problems for those who are under control.

Success of Implant Treatment in Diabetics
The success rate of implant treatment in diabetic patients has been studied in various research studies:
• In a study conducted in 2013, it is mentioned that the success rate of dental implants in diabetic patients ranges between 85.5-100% and is comparable to those in patients without diabetes.
• Most studies agree that the success rate in controlled diabetics is equal to or slightly lower than that in normal individuals.
• The duration of diabetes significantly influences the success of dental implants, as observed in one study. Most clinical studies show that the success of dental implants in diabetics is as good as in normal individuals.
• Good preoperative and postoperative glycemic control is necessary to achieve improved osseointegration in diabetic patients.
• Certain factors, such as implant surface characteristics, greater length, and width of the implant, increase the success rate of the implant.
• If the condition is not under control, implant treatment should be postponed by your doctor until your diabetes is under control.

The significance of Diabetes control in Implant Treatment
• The success of implant integration into the jawbone depends on the natural healing process of the body for the fusion of the jaw with the implant. The dentist performing the treatment initiates the procedure by relying on the body's natural healing process, particularly related to gum healing. The most effective characteristic of the implant that makes it more successful than other treatments is that it provides a much more durable solution than traditional bridges or dentures.
• The wound healing process in diabetic patients occurs more slowly than in a normal individual. Your dentist may ask you to collaborate with your internal medicine specialist to regulate your diabetes before implant treatment. Once the necessary controls are in place, the treatment can safely begin.

Positive effects of Dental Implants on Diabetics
• It is crucial for diabetic individuals to adhere to the right diet. The best way for these patients to eat is by chewing more. The consistent structure of implants makes chewing food much easier.
• Dentures can move and cause issues with the gums. Therefore, a patient wearing dentures cannot apply significant chewing force while chewing their food.
• When people suffer from discomfort, irritation, and inconvenience caused by dentures, they are more likely to eat less or consume inappropriate foods and resort to softer, processed alternatives with higher carbohydrate content. This leads to a constant increase in blood sugar.

Can Diabetic patients undergo surgical procedures without Implants?
• First, the optimal blood sugar level must be achieved.
• The dentist can initiate treatment immediately after taking the necessary measurements and assessing the patient as a low-risk group.
• To reduce the patient's stress level, the appointment is scheduled 1-2 hours after breakfast and taking the necessary medications.
• Treatment for such patients is also performed painlessly with local anesthesia, but this anesthesia is administered with medications that do not contain adrenaline. This way, the patient's blood sugar is maintained at the desired level.
• It is of great importance that the clinic where the treatment is conducted adheres to hygiene rules to protect diabetic patients who are predisposed to infections.
• If diabetic patients are to undergo surgical intervention (including implants), teeth should be cleaned before the procedure, and trauma and excessive force should be avoided during the procedure. The doctor may prescribe vitamin B and C to the patient if deemed necessary.

In conclusion, implant treatments and other dental interventions can easily be performed on a patient whose diabetes is under control. During this process, your dentist can communicate continuously with your physician.
