Sub Brow Lift

Sub Brow Lift

Drooping eyelids are a typical issue encountered by cosmetic surgeons on a daily basis. Upper blepharoplasty, which removes excess skin and fat from the upper eyelids and creates a double eyelid fold, is the most common surgery sought by patients.

However, some people simply want to correct their droopy eyes and don’t desire double eyelids. Others choose to maintain their current double eyelid shape and crease while simultaneously improving the lateral hooding. In these cases, the preferred technique is Sub Brow Lift.

What Does Sub Brow Lift Surgery Involve?

Sub Brow Lift surgery corrects drooping eyelids and eyebrows by removing excess sagging skin beneath the eyebrows. This operation also tightens the eye muscles and tissues, significantly reducing drooping without causing any modifications to your current eyelids.

Sub Brow Lift often achieves a similar result to forehead lifting, but it primarily focuses on the eye area rather than the forehead. If you want to address both your droopy eyes and forehead, forehead lifting may be a preferred alternative.

Ethnic Differences in Upper Eyelid Skin Anatomy

Asians typically have higher eyebrows compared to Caucasians. This may be due to an overactive mechanism of the forehead musculature. Asians have higher pretarsal fat tissue and suborbicular fat tissue, which protrudes downward and causes puffiness around the eyes. Caucasians, on the other hand, have more pronounced supraorbital ridges, lower-set eyebrows, less postseptal fat, and thinner upper eyelid skin. Due to the ethnic characteristic of usually lower-set eyebrows, Caucasians are less likely to be candidates for Sub Brow Lift and more likely to be candidates for forehead lifting and upper blepharoplasty.

Do I Need Sub Brow Lift Surgery?

As mentioned above, if you have drooping eyelids, especially if they obstruct your vision, you should definitely correct them. Additionally, Sub Brow Lift surgery is suitable for:

• Those who want to correct drooping eyelids without getting double eyelids.

• Those who want to maintain their current double eyelids but correct drooping eyelid skin.

• Those who have excess fat on the eyelids and skin under the eyebrows (puffy and thick eyelids).

• Those who have a significant difference between their eyebrows and eyes.

• Those with obstructed vision due to drooping eyelids.

• Those with drooping eyelids and/or eyebrows as a result of aging.

• Those with asymmetrical eyebrows due to drooping eyelids.

Advantages of Sub Brow Lift

Sub Brow Lift is a simpler, more elegant procedure suitable for younger individuals who simply want a slight lift around the eyes. This phenomenon, where the skin elongates over time, is most common in people in their 30s, but in some cases, it can start as early as the late 20s. This condition causes the eyelids to obscure part of the eyes.

To achieve dramatic results, patients often combine Sub Brow Lift with double eyelid surgery. Additionally, individuals who have natural double eyelids that have been hidden by droopy eyelids can benefit from this surgery as it will reveal their double eyelids.

We have complete control over how much of the eyelid is lifted and how many wrinkles are visible with Sub Brow Lift. The eyelid skin will appear less puffy and smoother when we lift the skin and muscles behind the brow lines.

• Restores a youthful appearance to the forehead

• Smoothens fine lines and wrinkles on the forehead

• Creates an attractive arch of the eyebrows

• Balances asymmetrical eyebrows

• Addresses droopy or sagging eyelids

Preparation for Sub Brow Lift

There are some key aspects you need to fulfill before the surgery:

• Do not consume liquids or solid foods for 4 hours before the surgery.

• Patients should wear clothing that is loose to prevent contact with the operated area on the face, such as a t-shirt or shirt, to avoid contact with the region.

• Smoking affects your respiratory system, causing coughing and sneezing, which can lead to bleeding and interfere with surgery; patients are advised to quit smoking two weeks before surgery.

• You should inform your doctor of any severe cold on the day of the surgery, as it may hinder your breathing.

• Aspirin and vitamin E tablets, for example, can cause bleeding by interfering with hemostasis. It is advisable to avoid taking them for 7 days before the procedure. If any medications are prescribed, the doctor should be informed.

• It is essential to clean your hair and body the day before the procedure. On the day of the procedure, you will need to remove your makeup and brush your teeth. Remove your manicure and pedicure, as well as any contact lenses or other accessories.

Sub brow lift is achieved by creating an incision just below the brow line. Then, the excess skin and muscles around the eyes are excised, tightened, and sutured, significantly reducing drooping without altering the original crease of the double eyelid. The resulting scar is concealed behind the brow, and the stitches are usually removed after about a week.
Sub brow lift is performed under local anesthesia and takes about 45 minutes. The recovery time is reduced compared to traditional upper blepharoplasty. To achieve maximum recovery, antibiotics, pain relievers, and anti-swelling medications are given after the procedure. Typically, the stay lasts 3-5 days.
The average length of the excised skin in sub brow lifting is 42 mm. The greatest width of the excised skin in sub brow lifting is an average of 10 mm. To avoid tension on the hair follicles, the upper ellipse incision should be oblique. To correct asymmetry in the patient, an uneven amount of skin may be taken from both sides of the sub brow. Wound closure is followed by hemostasis. 6-0 polyglycolic (Vicryl; Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) and 6-0 nylon sutures will be used to close the wounds in two layers.

When Can I See Results?
Although there are immediate results, significant bruising and swelling can last up to a month, and the true effects are observed after 3 months. However, please note that the actual recovery time varies depending on the individual and depends on their health condition and healing response.
Keep in mind that the success of your Sub Brow Lift surgery depends not only on your surgeon but also on how well you recover after the operation.

Post-Operative Care

• Take your prescribed medication on time and avoid aspirin as well as hormonal medications.

• You can wash your hands and take a shower the day after the stitches are removed. Avoid public baths and saunas.

• Everyone's body heals at a different pace, so give enough time for bruising and swelling to subside.


Scars on the upper eyelids, injury to the supraorbital neurovascular bundles, asymmetry of the eyebrows and supra-tarsal folds, and lagophthalmos from excessive skin removal are all possible consequences of Sub Brow Lift.

In one study, five out of nine individuals with poor results had hypertrophic scars, and four had eyebrow asymmetry. Conservative treatment for hypertrophic scars includes applying silicone gel and/or intralesional steroid injection. Eyebrow asymmetry was corrected with revision surgery three to four weeks later.

Alternatives to Sub Brow Lift Surgery

Upper blepharoplasty is an alternative to Sub Brow Lift surgery. However, if you want to treat only your sagging eyelids without creating double eyelids or altering the existing double eyelid crease, Sub Brow Lift surgery is a better option. Forehead lift surgery is another possibility to consider, especially if you want to correct both your sagging eyelids and forehead.

What Other Surgeries Complement Sub Brow Lift Surgery?

1. Ptosis Correction

If you have severely drooping eyelids, ptosis correction may be necessary in addition to Sub Brow Lift surgery for more effective results.

2. SMAS Facelift

If the midsection of your face is sagging, you may consider an SMAS facelift to restore your youthful appearance.

3. Double Eyelid Surgery

Many people undergo Sub Brow Lift surgery along with double eyelid surgery to enhance the appearance of their eyes.

4. Eyelid Plastic Surgery

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyes, consider various types of eyelid plastic surgeries available to enhance your eyes. 

5. Repositioning of Fat Pads under the Eyes

With repositioning surgery of the fat pads under the eyes, you can get rid of those annoying bags under the eyes that make you look tired and older.

What is Asian Blepharoplasty?

The majority of Asian men and women have what is known as a "single eyelid" on the upper eyelid. This simply means that these patients either have a barely visible low-lying eyelid or no crease above the eyelid at all.

Asian blepharoplasty is a procedure performed on patients of Asian descent who want to create a more prominent crease on the upper eyelid. This procedure is often used to enhance the size, expressiveness, and alertness of the patient's eyes. A highly qualified and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon should perform Asian blepharoplasty.


The main difference between the two procedures lies in the condition they are intended to treat. Asian eyelid surgery focuses on creating an eyelid crease in the upper eyelids, which helps achieve a more alert and expressive appearance. Sub Brow Lift surgery, on the other hand, addresses only the sagging of the upper eyelid.

Whichever type of blepharoplasty procedure you choose, make sure you have selected a certified plastic surgeon experienced in achieving excellent results for Asian patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Sub Brow Lift Surgery Permanent?

Nothing in the Universe, not even the sun, is truly eternal. Sub Brow Lift surgery, however, provides long-lasting results that patients can enjoy for a decade or more. While aging eventually catches up with all of us, Sub Brow Lift surgery can help postpone the worst effects for a long time.

2. Will My Hair Grow Back Quickly After Sub Brow Lift Surgery?

Yes. It may take a few weeks or at most a few months, but your hair will almost certainly grow back after Sub Brow Lift surgery.


Sub Brow Lift surgery is one of the best options for treating sagging eyelids without altering existing double eyelid creases or creating new double eyelids. While it does not drastically change the appearance of your eyes, it subtly enhances and restores your eyes to their pre-sagging state.
